Approved by the Assemblies of God General Council - Effective January 2021
Previous course names listed in parenthesis

Have you ever felt the call of God to the ministry? What does one do after receiving that call? What is the next step? How does one prepare themselves to fulfill that call? The SoCal School of Ministry could be the answer to your prayers. We believe that the call to the ministry should be just the beginning!
What Is SoCal School Of Ministry?
Our mission is to assist people in exploring and preparing for the ministry to which God has called them in an easily accessible manner. We offer classes for people pursuing ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God in English and Spanish.
Why Is It Important?
The SoCal School of Ministry comes out of a vision to raise up a generation of ministers ready to take the Gospel to today’s world. If you’re looking for spiritual formation in an environment that respects your responsibilities and current ministry involvement, consider us.
How Much Does It Cost?
$50.00 – A one-time student enrollment fee. To download the form click here. To enroll online click here.
$139.00 – Per class which includes testing and all other fees and costs. To register for a course click here.
$155.00 – Cost of class if registering within ten days of first class day.
$30.00 – Per class if you simply desire to audit.
$40.00 - Cost of a late audit.
If registering online, registration must be completed by 12:00 midnight, ten days prior to class to avoid the late fee.
Requests for refunds for any fees paid will be subject to the SoCal School of Ministry refund policy.
$139.00 – Per class which includes testing and all other fees and costs. To register for a course click here.
$155.00 – Cost of class if registering within ten days of first class day.
$30.00 – Per class if you simply desire to audit.
$40.00 - Cost of a late audit.
If registering online, registration must be completed by 12:00 midnight, ten days prior to class to avoid the late fee.
Requests for refunds for any fees paid will be subject to the SoCal School of Ministry refund policy.
Transfer Credit To Vanguard University?
Vanguard University is willing to award academic credit upon completion of the SoCal School of Ministry along with awarding ministerial credentials in two different academic programs:
Master of Theological Studies - SoCal School of Ministry courses will meet the pre-requisite required religion courses for entry into the VUSC Graduate Program in Religion.
School of Professional Studies – receive up to 27 units of academic credit towards this B.A. degree (nine per credential level) upon successful completion and the conferment of the corresponding ministerial credential by the General Council of the Assemblies of God.
Additionally, Vanguard University offers a 25% discount for all qualified SOM graduates enrolling in the professional studies program: Bachelor of Arts in Religion, with a concentration in Ministry and Leadership. Contact the Vanguard University School of Professional Studies or click below for more info:
Master of Theological Studies - SoCal School of Ministry courses will meet the pre-requisite required religion courses for entry into the VUSC Graduate Program in Religion.
School of Professional Studies – receive up to 27 units of academic credit towards this B.A. degree (nine per credential level) upon successful completion and the conferment of the corresponding ministerial credential by the General Council of the Assemblies of God.
Additionally, Vanguard University offers a 25% discount for all qualified SOM graduates enrolling in the professional studies program: Bachelor of Arts in Religion, with a concentration in Ministry and Leadership. Contact the Vanguard University School of Professional Studies or click below for more info:
We are currently offering online courses over Zoom and in-person courses in Chatsworth, Covina, Fowler, Fullerton, Lancaster, Oceanside, Temecula, Vista, and Wilmington!
Click below to register!
¡Ofrecemos cursos en español en Irvine y en Victorville! ¡Presione el botón del Colegio de Ministerio para registrarse!

Have you finished your
School of Ministry courses?
Take the next step and apply for your ministerial
credentials with the Assemblies of God!
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions or would like further information regarding the SoCal School of Ministry, please feel free to call, email, or fill out the form below.
Director, Brenton Fessler - 949.252.8400 ext. 257 -
Assistant Director, Wendy Ángeles (Spanish) - 949.252.8400 ext. 249 -
Ashley Mondragón (English) - 949.252.8400 ext. 232 -
Exam Submissions -
Assistant Director, Wendy Ángeles (Spanish) - 949.252.8400 ext. 249 -
Ashley Mondragón (English) - 949.252.8400 ext. 232 -
Exam Submissions -