Network of women ministers

JoAnn Johnson
Network of Women Ministers Director



Who We Are

  • A professional and relational community for women holding, pursuing, or considering credentials.
  • A fellowship of the Southern California District Council of the Assemblies of God.

What We Do

"Connecting women called by God”
  • We affirm the call of God in the lives of women ministers
  • We seek to facilitate and resource women as they pursue their callings

What We Value

What We Value

Connection: We are diverse in callings, gifts, cultures, marital status, and journeys, yet are members of one Body. We believe that friendship, shared life experience, and praying together promote stronger, healthier persons and ministries. We seek to create opportunities for women in ministry to build relationships with each other.

Credentials: We encourage women in ministry to pursue credentials as a tangible sign of commitment to vocational ministry, accountability to authority, and credibility in having diligently prepared for ministry.

Participation: We encourage women ministers to participate in the community of believers -- in their churches, sections, and District. As women ministers participate at every level, it increases effective ministry and visibility. Increased visibility serves two purposes: promoting open doors for women in ministry and providing role models for young women in our congregations and universities who feel the call of God on their lives.

Enrichment: We advocate professional and personal growth for women in ministry and strive to provide opportunities and resources to help them reach their God-given potential.
Connections: Regularly scheduled meetings to provide opportunities to connect and be challenged

Connections-plus: Connection meetings in varied geographical areas of the SoCal District

Communications: Social media, email, and website and other available means

Resources: Events, publications, links, and articles to enhance ministry and personal growth

Leadership History

On November 28, 2006 the Executive Presbytery of the Southern California Assemblies of God voted unanimously to recognize the Network of Women Ministers Fellowship and accept our Articles of Fellowship. SoCal Network of Women Ministers Fellowship and its officers are amenable to the office of the District Superintendent. SoCal Network of Women Ministers Officers are elected by the Network of Women Ministers membership. (Voting membership is “all credentialed women ministers holding accredited fellowship certificates from the General Council, including those holding Ordained, License to Preach, and Certified Minister credentials from the Southern California District Council”.) 

We see you!

As part of the SEEN Fall Retreats, the Network of Women Ministers are planning a leadership cohort designed especially for women ministers, pastors, missionaries, and those who are pursuing credentials! We will begin the cohort in September, and then gather at the 3rd weekend of the Women's Retreats at Pinecrest (October 4-6). This weekend will include training & networking in addition to the rest of the retreat activities!

To be part of this opportunity, register for Week 3 using the access code NWMCOHORT. This will unlock special lodging options just for cohort members:

  • Pavillion (Twin bunks): $200
  • Condo Shared Room (Queen bed): $225
  • Condo Private Room (Queen bed): $425
Registration prices include lodging and cohort fees, and will be open until August 10th. Click here and select Week 3, then enter the access code NWMCOHORT.

Not joining the cohort, or unable to be at the Week 3 Retreat? Join us at Week 1 Retreat for an NWM Gathering during lunch, open to anyone interested in or actively involved in vocational ministry! We will meet in the Pavillion room on the left side of the dining hall.

Meet the team.

JoAnn Johnson

Director of Network of Women Ministers

Shelby Britos

Vice President

Tiffany Gaudin


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